When "marijuana" is free, how to use it safely?


When "marijuana" is free, how to use it safely?

When "marijuana" is free, how to use it safely?
Many people wonder why when marijuana has been unlocked. There is a stream that has an effect on the body. what is the cause then caution Or prohibited use in different people, however, let's solve each other's grievances.
☘️ Hemp or Hemp has a scientific name: Cannabis Sativa. Leaves are long-slender, 7-11 lobes, tall, slender stems, containing no more than 1% THC, more than 2% CBD, popularly processed in textiles.
Marijuana or Marijuana has a scientific name Cannabis Indica. The leaves are broad-short, 5-7 lobes, the stem is short-shrub.
Contains THC more than 1%, CBD not more than 2%, commonly used as a medicinal and medicinal extract.
✅ "Ai root, eel leaves, bud seeds", a saying for the smoky line, is known for recreational use of cannabis, using inflorescences, or known locally as "marijuana cabbage" when using inflorescences. recreational cannabis There are roots mixed in, it will irritate your throat, cough, leaves will make you feel bad. There are seeds to make a lot of poop.

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