4 best herbs to cure itching!


4 best herbs to cure itching!

4 best herbs to cure itching!
Plai - makes the skin not itchy. The rhizomes are pounded or crushed finely. Mixed with water will help the skin that itching, burning pain disappear.
Turmeric - Beautiful and smooth. When applying to the skin, take fresh turmeric to wash, pound thoroughly and apply to the wound. It will help the skin to disappear and smooth and beautiful as well.
Betel - Apply to cure itching. Take 3-4 betel leaves and pound until the water comes out. Add a little white wine. Then filter the water to apply to the wound. The itching will disappear completely.
Basil leaves - treat blisters and treat pus. Take fresh leaves and crush them vigorously until fine, then apply it to the area of ​​the wound where itching will disappear. Plus, there are no itchy, swollen blisters or pus.

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