Thyrotoxicosis "life threatening"


Thyrotoxicosis "life threatening"

  Thyrotoxicosis "life threatening"



is an overactive thyroid gland (Hyperthyroidism) is a condition in which hormones are secreted more than necessary. Affects the body's metabolic system If left untreated properly can result in a heart attack abnormally fast heartbeat muscle weakness causing complications until the memory of death



- Heart palpitations

- Fast heartbeat, easy fatigue, weight loss, trembling hands

- Easily irritable, insomnia, lack of concentration, some people may have

- Goiter, bulging eyes, swollen eyelids


  People at risk of toxic thyroid

1. Families with people with thyroid disease

2. Women are 10 times more vulnerable than men.

3. People aged 60 years and over

4. Has type 1 diabetes and Addinson's disease


thanks for the source


2. Sikarin Hospital

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